Maki-e is one of the representative decorative techniques of Japanese lacquer craft. A picture or pattern is drawn in lacquer, and before the lacquer hardens, maki-e powder (gold, silver, or other metal powder) is sprinkled on the surface to adhere and decorate it. The name "makie" comes from the fact that the powder is sprinkled on the surface of the lacquer to create a picture. Select a vessel and hand-paint or decorate with a sticker. There is also a method of stamping using maple leaves and the like. There are 7 colors of powder to choose from, so you can create your own gradation of colors to create your original decoration. 銘々皿またはお椀、コップをお選びいただき、オリジナルの漆器を気軽におつくりいただけます。 お好きな絵柄をフリーハンドで。色やグラデーションを自由にアレンジできます。 手描きが難しい方はもみじやマスキングシールに型抜きされた様々な図案のご用意がございます。 ※繊細な絵柄は難しい場合がございますので、事前にご相談ください。
当日:代金の100% 3日前まで:代金の100% 3日前からはキャンセル料100%が発生いたします。
This amount includes the cost of interpretation and plates. Credit cards are accepted.