Privacy Policy
To protect the personal information used in our business operations, we have established the following privacy policy and wish to inform our customers.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations
We comply with laws and regulations related to personal information protection and strive to ensure the appropriate protection of personal information.
Proper Management and Operation
We will provide training on personal information protection to our employees and make efforts to implement and manage personal information protection appropriately.
Purpose of Use for Retained Personal Data
The personal information we acquire or hold in our business operations and its purposes of use are as follows:
Reservation Information
For the provision and improvement of services
For managing store operations, including the creation of customer lists
To provide information related to our establishment
Inquiry Information
For responding to inquiries and other related matters
Other Information
For use within the limits that do not violate laws and regulations related to personal information protection
Prohibition of Unauthorized Use
We will take necessary measures to prevent the unauthorized use of personal information.
Procedures for Complaints and Disclosure
Please contact us via the inquiry form or the contact information provided below. If necessary, we will verify the identity of the person making the request and respond accordingly. Details of the procedures will be provided at the time of inquiry.
Information on the Handling of Personal Information
Name of Personal Information Handling Business Operator: See the "Sales Operator" section on the "Display Based on the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions" page.
Person Responsible for Personal Information Protection Management: See the "Sales Responsible Person" section on the "Display Based on the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions" page.
Address of Personal Information Handling Business Operator: See the "Location" section on the "Display Based on the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions" page.
Contact Information Regarding Personal Information Handling: See the "Phone Number" section on the "Display Based on the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions" page.
Thank you.