


対人:無制限   対物:1000万円  搭乗者傷害:500万円(125CCまでには付いていません)   車両保険:なし



1 ガソリン代は貸渡料金に含まれていません。満タンで貸し渡しますので、返却時は満タンにしてから返却してください。


2 契約後の一方的な延長はできません。延長をご希望の場合は電話連絡してください。

3 貸車輌の日常点検は借受人が実施しなくてはなりません。

4 下記はお客様のご負担となります。

・ 燃料代、お客様が当社以外で入れられた追加のオイル代





5 車体を損傷された場合は返却時までに申し出てください。後で発覚した場合は1万円の慰謝料も併せていただきます。

6 駐車違反の通知を受けた場合は返却時に反則金をお預けください。


7 貸渡において紛争が生じたときは当社の所在地を管轄する簡易裁判所をもっと合意管轄裁判所とします。

8 貸車両の点検・整備は行っていますが、機械ですので故障が発生する場合もあることをご理解下さい。

9 ご連絡が無いまま返却時間を過ぎますとその間は任意保険の費用が適用できません。

10 返却予定日時以外に返却される場合は事前に電話連絡をしてください。

11 無断延長は1日のレンタル料金の2倍で精算させていただきます。

12 車両を返却せず、連絡も付かない場合は被害届を提出し刑事事件として対処します。(京都での裁判となります)


1 「ろうじ屋」貸出・返却・送迎を優先することに同意します。

2 車両保険が付加されていない事について理解しています。

3 返却日は必ず守ります。万一時間外になった場合は規定の時間外手数料を支払ます。


4 自走できない場合でも「ろうじ屋」まで自己負担でバイクを返却します。


5 故障などで自走不能な場合でも交通費・宿泊費などの請求はいたしません。

6 故障による二次的被害について「ろうじ屋」に請求しません。

7 事故対応は自身と保険会社で行い、「ろうじ屋」に損害や迷惑をかけません。

8 車両を損傷した場合、損傷の大小にかかわらず返却時までに報告します。

9 車両の損傷については修理費用・休車補償費を全額支払います。全額の場合は再取得価格を支払います。

10 万一レンタル期間中に駐車違反があった場合は、借受人自身による違反であることを自認します。

11 修理費ならびに違反金・慰謝料が返却時現金にて支払えない場合、また返却時修理費用が


The type of insurance and compensation details are outlined below.

Personal costs to the person involved in the accident (not to the customer): Limitless   

Pertaining to objects:10,000,000 yen   Comprehensive and collision insurance:N/A

※ In the unlikely event of an accident the other party involved in the crash will receive 100,000 yen

Please note the following

1 Gas costs are not included in the fee。The vehicle has a full tank before being rented out therefore when returning it to Roujiya Bike Rental please fill it with gas.

(In the event that the vehicle isn’t returned with a full tank of gas then each 15km ran on the tank by the customer will cost 200 yen for 1 litre of gas).

2 If you’d like to rent the vehicle for longer than requested originally, please inform us.

3 All vehicles are inspected and maintained regularly however if after the vehicle is rented by the customer and they would want to have it inspected, then it is the customer who will need to arrange for this themselves.

4 The following are the customer’s responsibility

・ Fuel charges or fees for an oil change after inserting the incorrect fuel into vehicle

Charges for a puncture or burst tyre

Charges for replacing the vehicle or any parts if stolen

Charges in case of an accident or a fall or if the vehicle needs to be replaced. Alternatively, if the vehicle is made inactive the customer will be responsible for paying rental fees for each day the vehicle is out of action until repaired.

In the event that the vehicle isn’t returned charges will be levied for locating the vehicle and any associated costs for not being returned on time

5 In the event the bodywork is damaged please inform us before the return time. If we are not informed of any damage and it is later discovered a fee or 100,000 yen will be charged.

6 If you are handed a parking fine please provide the money for the fine with us when you return the vehicle.

(In the event that the fine is later discovered after the vehicle is returned then we will request the money for the fine in addition to a separate 100,000 yen).s

7 Should any disputes arise between the customer and Roujiya Bike Rental the necessary procedures will be followed at a summary court to resolve the matter.

8 We inspect and maintain our vehicles however please be aware that due to the nature of automobiles breakdowns or failure can occur.

9 If the vehicle is not returned by the designated return time and we are not informed please be advised that any incidents that may occur after the designated return time will not be covered by the insurance policy.

10 If you will return the vehicle after the designated return time please inform us by phone.

11 If the vehicle is rented longer than payed for without warning then you will be charged for an additional day’s rental of the vehicle.

12 In the event that the vehicle isn’t returned and no contact is received from the customer then we will have to file a damage report and undergo the necessary criminal proceedings.

Terms and conditions

1 You agree that after renting the vehicle from Roujiya Bike Rental that you will return the vehicle as per the designated time.

2 You acknowledge what is not covered by the insurance taken on the vehicle, this is listed above.

3 You will return the vehicle as per the designated return time. If the vehicle is returned after the designated return time then you will pay for the additional time that the vehicle was rented for.

If the vehicle isn’t returned by the designated time and we receive no contact then we will promptly file a report for damages.

4 If the vehicle breakdowns the customer is responsible for returning the vehicle to Roujiya Bike Rental.

5 If the customer is unable to return the vehicle to Roujiya Bike Rental by the designated time then they will not request any travel or accommodation expenses from Roujiya.

6 In the event that the vehicle breakdowns the customer will not demand Roujiya Bike Rental pay any associated costs relating to this.

7 In the event of an accident the customer will settle this themselves and with the insurance provider. The customer will not bring in Roujiya Bike Rental which could inconvenience or affect business.

8 If the vehicle is damaged, the customer will inform Roujiya Bike Rental prior to the designated return time, regardless of how big or small the damage is.

9 The customer will pay any repair costs or the costs associated with the bike not being fit for rental. They will also pay the full amount should the vehicle need to be replaced entirely.

10 If the customer receives a parking fine they will inform Roujiya Bike Rental themselves.

11 The customer agrees that in the case the customer is unable to pay repair fees or a fine in cash at the designated return time, alternatively if we are unable to ascertain the total costs to cover the damage at the designated return time, then the customer’s credit card will be charged (an 8% handing charge will be applied).