福井県勝山市の山奥に佇むマッサージサロン&ゲストハウス、林檎のおうちです。 お部屋は和室8畳が1部屋あります。築70年の昔ながらの日本宅です。 食事提供無し素泊まり民泊です。自炊◎なので基本セルフでご自由にお使いください。 我家はシングルマザー子ども4人男児&ジジババが同居しており賑やかです。 せっかくの田舎お好きに羽広げてくださいな。 お一人様もご家族様もゆっくりご滞在ください。 APPLE HOUSE Healing Salon & Guest House is a combined massage salon with guest house located in the mountains of Katsuyama city in Fukui Prefecture.There are 1 room. No meals are offered, but self-catering are welcome. Our family is a single mom with four kid boys and grandmother and grandfather living together. Self-service, stay whatever you like, just let it go.Here is in the country. Please spread your soul and your body. Hoping you find yourself and taste Japan and yourself in bright.